Directed by Kristina Wagenbauer and Lisa Moore, arty musical group Blood and Glass’ video for Sing Dear Queen looks into the psychology of one little girl. She wishes to be playing outside with the other kids, but remains trapped in a world that tugs on her hair and applies mascara to her tiny, fragile eyelashes. Being forced by her mother to take part in beauty competitions, the girl’s only goal in life is to be pretty. Watch the video now via CultMTL.
Beauty pageants are strange, money-making endeavors that place so much emphasis on women’s exterior looks, says Blood and Glass frontwoman Lisa Moore. The very existence of a beauty competitions completely messes with our heads so that even we as spectators learn to rate women based on their size and shape. Now, we are doing this to little girls.
Sing Dear Queen is from Blood and Glass’ debut album Museum With No Walls, available now on iTunes and bandcamp. The song is about a Queen who goes to make a speech and sing to her people about true love, explains Lisa. The Queen’s band is tuned up, lights shine on her perfectly-placed lipstick. Everyone waits in silence, but she is stifled and cannot open her mouth. The Queen has lost her lyrics and has no words. She can’t use her instinct to make up the words as she goes, so there is no show, no speech, no song about love.
The band also announces new tour dates:
01/08 New York, NY // Brooklyn Bowl
01/09 New York, NY // The Living Room
01/16 Sherbrooke, QC // La Petite Boîte Noire
01/17 Quebec City, QC // Ninkasi
01/23 St-Hyacinthe, QC // Les Zaricots
02/21 Montreal, QC // O Patro Vys
une galette qui s'avère fort agréablement intemporelle. ****
Valérie Lessard, Le Droit
Blending baroque-tinged pop with electro-rock undercurrents, the pair have crafted a unique sound
Sarah Murphy, Exclaim!
une fort intéressante première parution ***1/2
Valérie Thérien, VOIR
Lisa peint avec ardeur et imagination un monde féérique noir à la Tori Amos. Magique. ****
Natalia Wysocka, Journal Métro
there’s a certain sultriness and seductive quality to Moore’s performances that neither Waits nor grimes could pull off convincingly.
Quick Before It Melts
Listening to Blood and Glass’s debut album, I’m still stunned to think this is their first. […] there was something eerie and beautiful created here.
Grayowl Point
un des points forts de la rentrée musicale.
Mélissa Pelletier, Huffington Post Québec